Thursday, June 21, 2012

Peter Horton: Toccata for a Wild Old Woman

He Shun Hua & Julia Scheuffele live during a concert in the new opened Guitar Salon in Shanghai on June 20, 2012. This Salon in the Xiang Yang Road near the Music Academy is a place where guitar lovers are meeting...

Sunday, June 10, 2012

Teresinha [Chico Buarque] ~ Raíssa Amaral

The first came to me
As someone who comes from the florist
He brought a stuffed animal
Brought an amethyst brooch
He told me his travels
And the benefits it had
He showed me his watch
He called me queen
I was very innocent
What touched my heart
But I do not deny anything
And scared, I said no

The second appeared
As one who comes from a bar
He brought a liter of drink
So bitter to swallow
He cursed my past
He used my food
Rummaged through my drawer
He called me a lost
I had no defense
He broke my heart
He gave me nothing
And scared, I said no

The third came to me
He appeared out of nowhere
He did not bring me anything
Also asked nothing
I do not know who he is
But I understand what he wants
He slept in my bed
He treats me as a woman
He came so simply
And before I said no
He settled like a squatter
Within my heart


Chico Buarque/1977-1978
Para a peça Ópera do malandro, de Chico Buarque

O primeiro me chegou
Como quem vem do florista
Trouxe um bicho de pelúcia
Trouxe um broche de ametista
Me contou suas viagens
E as vantagens que ele tinha
Me mostrou o seu relógio
Me chamava de rainha
Me encontrou tão desarmada
Que tocou meu coração
Mas não me negava nada
E, assustada, eu disse não

O segundo me chegou
Como quem chega do bar
Trouxe um litro de aguardente
Tão amarga de tragar
Indagou o meu passado
E cheirou minha comida
Vasculhou minha gaveta
Me chamava de perdida
Me encontrou tão desarmada
Que arranhou meu coração
Mas não me entregava nada
E, assustada, eu disse não

O terceiro me chegou
Como quem chega do nada
Ele não me trouxe nada
Também nada perguntou
Mal sei como ele se chama
Mas entendo o que ele quer
Se deitou na minha cama
E me chama de mulher
Foi chegando sorrateiro
E antes que eu dissesse não
Se instalou feito um posseiro
Dentro do meu coração

Performance: Raíssa Amaral - Piracicaba / SP - Brasil

Thursday, May 17, 2012

First Chords ~ Erste Akkorde

PDF as in the bitmap and slideshow

Kleine Anleitung
  1. Auf der "1" anschlagen, während du langsam 2,3,4 zählst den nächsten Akkord greifen, damit du auf der nächsten "1" pünktlich anschlagen kannst.
  2. Klappt das, schlägst du auf "1" und "3" an, zählst 1 2 3und 4und. Dadurch hast du wieder viel Zeit zum Wechseln.
  3. Wenn das geht, schlägst du auf 1,2,3 und 4 an, zählst jetzt 1 2 3und-te 4und-te, so hast du immerhin noch 2 Sechzehntel Zeit für den Wechsel, einfach anfangs sehr langsam zählen.

Try of a translation, sorry for my strange English
  1. Stroke on the "1". While you count slowly 2,3,4 grap the next chord, so you can beat on the next "1" on time.
  2. If this works, you beat at "1" and "3", counting 1 2 3and 4and. Thus you have a lot of time to switch to the next chord.
  3. Finally, you hit on 1,2,3 and 4, now counting 1 2 3and-te 4and-te, so you have at least another 2 sixteenths time for the change, simply count in the beginning very slowly.

PDF and MP3 for advanced students (2 patterns in change)

4 Easy Cadences ~ 4 leichte Kadenzen


How to play along

After a precount each cadence sounds 2 times. Between 2 cadences you'll have one bar break.
I've struck each chord only on the "1". So you can play along with a pattern you like.

Nach einem Vorzähler erklingt jede Kadenz 2 mal. Zwischen 2 Kadenzen hast du einen Takt Pause.
Ich habe jeweils nur auf der "1" angeschlagen. So könnt ihr mit beliebigen Patterns dazu spielen.

Have fun and success! ~ Viel Spaß und Erfolg!
MusikStudio Buschhausen ~ Amberg

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Sounding Fingering Chart ~ Klingende Grifftabelle

                                Major Cadences                                                         Minor Cadences

MP3s: Major   Minor   PDFs: Major   Minor

How to play along

After a precount each cadence sounds 2 times.
I've struck each chord only on the "1". So you can play along with a pattern you like.

Nach einem Vorzähler erklingt jede Kadenz 2 mal.
Ich habe jeweils nur auf der "1" angeschlagen. So könnt ihr mit beliebigen Patterns dazu spielen.

Have fun and success! ~ Viel Spaß und Erfolg!
MusikStudio Buschhausen ~ Amberg

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Sandra Rod ~ Singer-Songwriter

No 'typical' guitar video, but Sandra's music is extremely 'guitar dominated'!

>> Sandra Rod ~ Album 'The Rain' (Released on February 13, 2008)

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Celine Dion ~ My Heart Will Go On (Titanic Theme)
[Guitar Cover by Igor Presnyakov]

For the commemoration of 100th year Titanic tragedy. Arranged and performed by Igor Presnyakov.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

6 String Arpeggios

Country Picking

Led Zeppelin ~ Stairway To Heaven [Intro]

Please go to the updated version of this post.

Lady In Black

Godfather Theme



Kleine Fantasie für Amina

Solo for a 6 String Bass

For Anton-ii

E-Bass Study

2 Little Bass Studies